Paranormal Romances
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by Charlee Boyett-Compo, ISBN # 0-9668209-4-0, 1999
Retail $5.99
Lauren is not somebody who would be a heroine in any book. A forty-something timid mouse, she is a doormat to everyone who knows her, her very timidity seeming to incite people to be needlessly cruel. When a stranger comes into the store she works out and sets his sites on her, she doesn't know what to do with his attention and the sudden animosity of her fellow co-workers. Bad things begin to happen to people who disdained her, however, and the very handsome, devilish stranger seems determined to win her love. But all is not as it should be, Lauren comes to find out when the stranger, named Syntian Cree, disappears from her life. Shocking secrets force her to come out of her shell totally and move into matters she never thought she'd be a part of.
This book was very well written. It's labeled as a paranormal
horror/romance, but don't expect your typical HEA ending. Mrs. Boyett-Compo definitely has a career ahead of her in writing, if this book says anything! I've heard her other romances have the normal HEA ending, which I'm glad for because she's a wonderful writer. Don't get me wrong, the book was very good, but the twist at the end just wasn't to my liking.
The book features demonology, which was something of a turnoff to me.
Falling in love with a demon (a Nightwind) isn't exactly my cup of tea. However, it was a very good paranormal read, and if you love science fiction/paranormals this is definitely up your alley! :-)
Sarah Pearson
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Obsidian Butterfly
by Laurell K. Hamilton, ISBN # 0441006841
Ace Books Hardcover, January 2000
This is another great addition to Anita Blake's story.
For the first time Anita gets an inside look at Edward's life.
Unfortunately the reason for this is that she owes him a favor that he calls
in. Anita flies down to Santa Fe, Edward's home to see what she has gotten
herself into.
Once Anita has gotten to Santa Fe she meets Ted Forrester, Edward's alter
ego or other persona. Ted is just a good ole boy bounty hunter and friend
of the local police. Anita is shocked and outraged when she finds out that
the killer and sometime partner is also engaged to an woman with two
children who have no idea about his real persona.
If that isn't enough the reason Anita was called down is that there are
mutilations happening. People are being torn apart limb from limb and the
ones that are left alive are skinned, eyelids cut off, tongues cut out and
external sexual organs and breasts torn off. Anita was called down due to
her expertise with supernatural beings, meaning zombies, vampires and
werewolves. Unfortunately Anita has no idea what is doing this.
In addition to Anita, Edward has brought in two other associates Bernardo
and Olaf. Olaf happens to hate women, which doesn't make the situation any
easier, and Bernardo fashions himself a woman's man. While investigating
the murders and mutilations Anita meets two police officers. One by the
name of Marks who is very religious and considers her a witch, and one by
the name of Ramirez that if she wasn't tied to two other men she could be
interested in romantically. Anita also meets Obsidian Butterfly a very
powerful vampire that thinks she is an Aztec goddess that has killed every
single vampire and vampire minion that has come into her territory except
for Anita.
Making matters worse is the fact that the mutilated people are trying to
get up and walk away, then become very violent.
There are a lot of players to this story. The ending isn't quite what you
expect, but of course this is Anita Blake, and nothing comes out like you
expect with her. I did however love the fact that Edward actually is more
human then I thought. Laurell K. Hamilton gave Edward a real depth, but, is
this the end of the old Edward? Are we going to see him again or is he
going to fade into married life? I'm also very interested in seeing what
happens in future books with Olaf, and what is Anita going to do about her
feelings for both Richard and Jean Claude since it seems they have ruined
her for a romance with anyone else.
Copyright 2000 Carol Castellanos
Review sent to Simegen
PNR Romance
Word Weaving
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Virtual Heaven
by Ann Lawrence, ISBN # 0505523078, 1999
Retail $5.99
I don't know what pleased me more about this book, the fact that it was really good or that it was something infinitely new. I have never in the romance genre seen an author who pulls their heroine into a Virtual Reality game as the alternate world! Maggie O'Brien is as computer illiterate as they come in an age where that really shouldn't be possible! When her friend gets her to use a VR game, Tolemac Wars, on Halloween during a big storm, lightening strikes and she is propelled into the supposedly make-believe world. There she is captured by Kered, who believes her to be a slave because of her lack of arm bands. Propelled by a prophecy, Kered must take an unwilling Maggie along with him to find the relics that will save his land. But he must learn to deal with a headstrong, thoroughly modern woman who chafes being considered a slave, and battles growing attraction to a woman who in his land isn't high enough to wed.
This book is one of those debut novels all writers wish they could write. :) It's got action and a good romance, which is definitely necessary for me to like it! As I said, I've never seen a romance quite like this so it was refreshing to actually read something new and different. My only comment was that two-thirds of the way through the book it suddenly jumps, and sort of loses me for a bit, but it all ties together. Especially Vad; I liked how Ms. Lawrence insinuated his *real* past history with Kered. :)
One small comment for any prospective readers who are like me and may not catch details well. When you read, take a careful look at all the names of places and people in the story. Try reading them from different ... angles. :) Perhaps I spoiled the surprise, but I didn't even notice that little twist until someone else pointed it out to me! Once I saw it, I thought it was a really nifty little addition. Definitely a recommended book, especially with Vad's story coming out later this year. :-)
Sarah Pearson
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Sharing the Darkness
by Marilyn Tracy, ISBN # 0373270348
Silhouette Shadows, No 34
I've only recently come across Silhouette's Shadows line, which both started and ended in the early to mid-ninties. I'm impressed. I honestly think that Silhouette was thinking ahead of its time; those books would be bit hits today, even if they weren't back then (although from what I hear they were). The line was for paranormal romances, not just the overt kind Sil/Har put out now but definite paranormals. I for one am sorry I missed them.
On to the book. Teo Sandoval, called El Rayo, is a recluse, shunned by the people of his town because they were afraid of his powers. Teo had telepathic and telekinetic skills, as well as the ability to heal. When Melanie Daniels comes into his life, begging for him to help train her young son with the same abilities, he wants desperately to refuse. She is a danger to him, because her love threatens to bring up ghosts of his past, ghosts which he had hoped to exorcise through indifference. Melanie is running away from the PRI, the Psionic Research Institute, who want to take her child and run test after test on him and his abilities. She will do anything to keep Chris out of danger and out of their hands, and makes a bargain with Teo that goes against all she believes.
Good writing, good story flow, good story. I could see Teo's constant struggle against his love for Melanie, and it wasn't something that didn't have a purpose. He was trying to save her, as well as himself, from his love. He was a great tortured hero, as passionate in love as he was with his powers. If you like telepathic/telekinetic love stories, this is definitely for you. It's a great book, if a bit hard to find. Look all over in used book stores and chances are you will find it. If not, eBay or Auctions might be selling it.
Sarah Pearson
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